Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day at the Zoo

This was actually a pretty funny day. We decided to make the girls a lunch and bring it to the zoo with us. When we got there of course they wanted their sandwich because it was pretty close to lunch time. What I didn't know is that chickens LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or at least these ones did. The first chicken to get brave enough came up to Bella and snatched the plastic bag right out of Bella's hand. So Mikey is laughing as he is watching me try to get this bag out of the chicken's mouth. The girls were laughing until the second chicken went up to Ari, who was in her stroller, and was trying to grab the sandwich out of her hand. I had just got the plastic bag out of the other chickens mouth when I noticed this, well I guess I forgot about my camera I was holding and decided to drop everything to be able to run over to Ari. Mikey was able to grab Ari, Bella was still laughing while trying to get my camera that I had dropped and had to fight a third chicken who thought it was food. Anyway, when we finally got away from the Crazy chickens, we had a pretty good chuckle about it. The rest of our visit was really fun, it is a small zoo, but the girls got to see monkey's, tigers, wolves, cougars, bears (care bears as Bella calls them). They also have local wildlife like foxes, wolves, cougars, bobcats, birds, cats, horse, deer (don't laugh). But needless to say Ari now says chickens are "scary."

1 comment:

Kristina said...

The chickens are hilarious! Sounds like you guys had a great time, I love taking the kids to the zoo too.