The girls LOVED having a baby there with us. My Dad's neighbor was there with her kids, they had so much fun!
Ari was helping clean up
Bella is getting pretty good at catching a baseball
Bella posing for the camera
Fishing with Papa
Ari caught her first fish, she was so excited. She was scared at first when it came out of the water, but that lasted about one second when she realized that she wanted to touch it. She caught the big one on the string.
In just a few short days our little Isabella will be an official Loeffler. Everything has gone through and been approved, we will be going to El Dorado County Superior Court on May 27, 2009 at 8:30 am for the Judge to make everything final. This is the last little piece in making our family complete, and we are so excited!
It took us from last September to the first of May, but the backyard is done and looks awesome!! We do still need to plant some cool plants and flowers, but that is nothing.